Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Summer Fun

Just a few notices of interest...
...and just because school is out for the summer doesn't mean you can't keep the dialogue going...

A few things to do this summer:

Frida Kahlo
June 14 - September 28, 2008

Chihuly at the de Young
Dale Chihuly
de Young Museum
June 14 - September 28, 2008

Eve Sussman
West Coast premiere of her "The Rape of the Sabine Women"
Begins May 1, 2008 through June 27, 2008
One of my favorite's a blurb from the SF MOMA web:

Eve Sussman and the Rufus Corporation, 2006, 82 min.
Fridays, 3:00 p.m.
Phyllis Wattis Theater
SFMOMA is pleased to host the West Coast premiere of the acclaimed video musical The Rape of the Sabine Women. The work recasts Rome's founding myth of abduction and peaceful settlement as a chaotic fall from midcentury idealism. Constructed as a 1960s period piece, the film presents the Romans as government agents, the Sabines as butchers' daughters, and their union as an affluent, International Style idyll. Inverting the Roman source, the piece tracks not the origins of empire, but the end of utopia. The May 01 and 02 programs feature live musical performances, and the May 03 program includes a panel discussion.

Portions of this film contain nudity and violent imagery that may not be appropriate for all viewers. This film is not rated.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Celebrate Worldwide Pinhole Camera Day!!

Bus Obscura tours & Build your own pinhole camera festival @ Rayko
(SOMA, ie. South of Market Area)
FREE at Rayko Photo Center
Sunday, April 27
11:00 am to 5:00 pm

RayKo Celebrates WorldWide Pinhole Photography Day - Sunday, April 27,
2008 (11am-5pm) | Bus Obscura Rides (12pm-3pm) | Meet the artists
(3pm-5pm) Demos | Build your own pinhole kits | Two gallery shows. As a
unique celebration of WorldWide Pinhole Photography Day, FREE bus rides on
the oh-so-unique Bus Obscura will be available on a first come first
serve basis only on Sunday, April 27, 12pm-3pm. The Bus Obscura is a
passenger bus converted to a multiple aperture camera obscura using a rear
projection technique that allows the individual images to flow into one
another. As the bus moves down the street a 360 degree animated
panorama is created inside.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Final Critique Schedule

Hey all,

The schedule for final critique will look like this:
(Please also consider this the order.)

Monday, May 5th


Wednesday, May 7th


Please note***
Plan on spending an hour after class participating in cleaning up the classroom and lab facilities. We'll be splitting the duties among all three photo courses. If you can't make it for that hour you must make other arrangements with me.

You're all cooking along - I can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Schedule for Monday, April 21

Hey all,

Monday the 21st of April will be an open lab day. Please bring work to do.

The Polaroid shipper didn't get our film out on schedule, so we will use the time
to work on final projects and meet one on one to discuss the next steps in folks'

The readings are still due on Wednesday - bring digital cameras as well if you
have one.

Enjoy your Sunday,

Friday, April 4, 2008

Frank Gohlke responds to our project

Wow! I was excited to find this email in my inbox. We will most certainly send him a copy of our project! Read on:

Dear Ms. Visser,

One of my computers is down, so I don't know if I responded to your message of Feb. 11. As you can imagine, it's very gratifying to learn that something one has done has found its way to
people to whom it is useful. Thank you for letting me know. It's a reminder to me of what the whole enterprise is about, of what makes an artist's absorption in his or her personal obsessions more than just self-indulgence. It really matters to any of us when we encounter thoughts that echo or clarify intimations we ourselves have had about our common experience; it reassures us that we're not as alone as we sometimes feel.

Please feel free to use the essay in your publication in whatever way is best for your purposes. I'm quite curious to see the results of the project. I hope you will consider sending me a copy of the book when it is finished. My address is: 3041 N. Gaia Pl., Tucson, AZ 85745.

Thanks again,

Frank Gohlke