Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dena's Proposal

In the past twenty years society has experienced an incredible pull into the age of technology, where we are forever improving and miniaturizing. Now available are wafer thin computers and MP3s that let you hold thousands of songs in the palm of your hand. It is in our very nature to evolve and constantly use old information to develop new ways to “improve” or simplify our lives; as the computer was an improvement of the typewriter and the MP3 the evolution of the record. With every “improvement” there is a discarded primitive version that is abandoned for the newest product. What I hope to investigate through this project is what actually happens to the discarded or unused technology that lies to waste as a result of our constantly growing demand for newer, better products. I plan to photograph places in the Bay area such as recycling plants and auto scrap yards that deal with obsolete computer equipment and other technologies. I plan to use 35mm slide film and to project the images. Although I like the idea of photographing such subjects with a 4X5 camera, I do not think it will be practical enough to use in such locations and would best be shot with my own Nikon N80 camera and 35 mm film. In using such methods I hope to give my photographs the feeling of abandonment that exists in the unnoticed waste and refuse of the past.


Modesto Covarrubias said...

Nicely written. Great idea to use the project (I am assuming you're going to use a slide projector...another nearly-antiquated piece of technology...or at least it soon will be.)

You may want to check out the artist Chris Jordan.

dvisser said...

This is another fascinating topic. Where will you begin? Have you identified sites? I'd like to see at least 8 prints (8x10 or larger) from 2 different sites at the first crit. If you need help finding locations, ask.


Anonymous said...

I would love any suggestions as to locations- that is what I am most struggling with at the moment. I unfortunately didn't shoot prints at my first location,(only slides) but I will make sure to get some at my next before the crit. Would it be alright to show only slides from the first location, or would you prefer I go back and shoot some additionals?