Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Project Proposal

For my semester long project,  I want to take old Hackneyed phrases, "Old sayings," that have turned into modern cliche's and make them into a photo representation.  I want to make these as LITERAL as possible so that there is an element of humor to it. When I say old sayings I mean:  A penny for your thoughts, Don't throw the Baby out with the bath water... things like that. Ideally, I'd like to have 15 prints... but could be... out of sight.  I'm still working on a timeline for this project. 


I want the photos to have a vintage macabre to them, and as I said, I want them to be way literal.  So when I say: A man after my own heart, or Break a leg.... you get the idea. 
I would like to use the 4 x 5 camera for this project. Last year I tried to use the 4 x 5 but I got so frustrated that I stopped and didn't even give it a second chance. However, this year I really want the quality of pictures that only the 4 x 5 can give me. I need the sharpness as well as the versatility of the camera. I really like the idea of making a picture versus taking a picture. I still don't know about locations yet, somewhere in San Fran and back home.... wherever the picture calls for. I hope to have 7 prints by midterm.


Modesto Covarrubias said...

Michaela, have you started to photo these yet? Or are you still coming up with phrases to illustrate? Either way, if it is possible to see your ideas, either in sketch format, test shots or even just the written phrases, it would allow us to assist you better.

I'm intrigued by how you would set up "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water" as well as "Break a leg!"

dvisser said...

Hey Michaela,

As Modesto asked, have you started shooting? As I said when you first presented this idea, I feel that the crux of this is the gap between literal meaning and communication. However, the risk here is that they are one-liners. How will you engage us to explore language further? I agree with Modesto that the very best thing to do is start shooting. We need something tangible to talk about. I'd like to see at least six images at the first crit.

Duane Michaels is an artist you might consider looking at. He uses language quite poetically in his work.
